KISUX (B. Rogers)

People mistake this for a "pro-abortion" song because of the last line. It's not even that meaningful, guys. KISUX = Kevin Isaacson sucks. He did at the time the song was written, in my opinion. He's a lot cooler now, in my opinion. He's the only person I know of with a YSIB t-shirt (available at Cafepress--order today!!)

The acoustic version is "now legendary" due to the innocuous "Anthony sucks" line I uttered in response to his particularly ridiculous lyrical break. This line now shows up in most live performances of the electric version -- much to Anthony's dismay!!

He thinks he's all that
'Cause of his kickin' hat
He probably gots a gat
At home I have a cat

he thinks he's so funny
he don't got no money
he gives us song suggestions
but they all suck so we don't use them

He thinks he knows comedy
But in reality
It is a mystery
Means nothing to me...
