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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 101

somthing im stuck on... by ^ on Mon Aug 25, 2003 06:24
....okay im stuck on this, why the fuck do people think silverchair sound like Nirvana? they might look alike, daniel at times does look like cobain, but there sound is completly different, Nirvana is hard rock your ass msic, silverchar is this soft gullibal music, big diff! did you ever hear an ocrestra in any of Nirvanas music? i mean..daniels a great song writer and everything, but this new stuff is starting to sound slightly fakey, GO BACK TO THE NEON BALLROON ERA! great job guys, its a great site keep on workin
Re: somthing im stuck on... by Anonymous on Sat Oct 4, 2003 07:36
i agree with tim man, that daniel johns sure knows his stuff, i wish silverchair were more well known in Canada, personally i think there like the greatist rock band ever...i really dont care what anyone says...i really dont.. so fuck you morons who are against that
personally, I like the sound by Timothy Wyatt on Mon Sep 8, 2003 20:46
I have been listening to Silverchair since Frogstomp, and I have never seen them heading in such a wonderful direction. I like the idea of a rock band using all these wonderful instruments. Off of that and on to the song "Don't Wanna Be". I haven't heard it and already I am laughing my ass off lol. I am a very big fan of Silverchair and Daniel Johns (writing/composing and so on). I mean sure, it isn't nice to make fun of someone, but isn't it hilarious when people do. I rip on people constantly, my friend Nathan catches shit from me all the time cause he is just.....well....dumb. It takes him 6 seconds to say "what" when you call his name lol. Anorexia really is nothing to joke about, but doesn't the comedy make it a little easier to deal with? I mean, if Daniel Johns thought anorexia was funny, it wouldn't have bothered him as much. I don't know if anything I am saying makes any sense, I am obviously a moron and I will go to bed now lol.