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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 131

These people posting.... by Me.... on Mon Jul 4, 2005 00:16
Ok, I really dont believe most of these chairfans that posted are really real silverchair fans...cause well...things like this song dont just bounce off...the people who get the most out of silverchair...who base their life upon the band, wouldnt just laugh at the song...well not most anyways....we're a rare breed...yes, for the most-part "emotionally challenged" so to say, but we know what helps us and we don't liek it to be made fun guys there honestly seem like you have the IQ of a i know this? Well let's just say your responses to the messages show that YOU'RE the ones who don't know the meanings of guys aren't musicians...and unless you start playing covers, no one will EVER listen to you twice....and even though i was offended by the song, this isnt a direct response to guys really do suck...and with your age, by now, if youre still playing the venues youre should get the hint....
Re: These people posting.... by Chris on Wed Jul 13, 2005 20:33
Haw... and what venues and ages would those be, smartie?