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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 20

... by Nora on Wed Jul 18, 2001 00:18
Hi Shane. Don´t expect me to write correctly, I´m from Italy and can´t speak English very good. But I´m able to understand what you wrote about your song ( how was it.."I Don´t Wanna Be"..or something like that). Sincerely I don´t know much about your band, neither of Silverchair (I´m not a fanatic as many all have only had more luck than we and you are probably good musicians), but I looked it up because I found the whole thing interesting (it was for luck (or not) that I got on this page). I think Patricia (you know, the girl that criticized you very strongly)was rather pathetic..she seemed to be mother Theresa:Oh my god, why do you do this to this poor person!!..well, anyway. I wanted to say another thing: I don´t think that you did the wrong thing writing your song, because it´s your opinion, and as far as I know we all have the right to express what we think. I´m not favoring this kind of criticizm you showed, but I respect people´s opinion (although, as I mentioned, I found the way Patricia expressed herself was rather pethetic..). And I think most of the people have misunderstood what you tried to do say with your song: I think you didn´t really want to make bad fun about David-it was a way to express your opinion about his don´t estimate them very much, but what´s wrong with that? I mean, you are (I suppose) famous, so your opinion is more important as the opinion of other people??I suppose there are many others who think the same way you do, the only difference is that they are not noticed because they don´t make a song of it. In every case: I have a comment to Patricias email:I was anorectic myself for more than four years, but I don´t think that it should make any difference how someone thinks about a person only because the one knows the other has anorexia.