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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 21

Who was really offended? by Sarah Lee on Wed Aug 8, 2001 09:37
I have a question to everyone on here who has been whining about how terrible the "Don't Wanna Be Daniel Johns" song is. Was Daniel actually hurt, offended by the song, or are you just pissed off because someone is making fun of what you like? Anthony (ysib) has said several times that he doesn't think Daniel is a terrible person, he just doesn't like the music. Ysib are allowed to dislike the music just as much as your allowed to like it (or dislike it). If you don't like the song, don't listen to it. Complaining about it isn't going to make the song go away. Anyway, to anyone of the whiners, have you ever made fun of someone? Watched Saturday Night Live, laughed when they make every president or celebrity look like a complete idiot? Its the same thing, and no one gets angry about it. So please, let this thing go, its just a song! Sarah