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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 28

Hey now, that's just not nice by Jenn on Mon Oct 22, 2001 18:03
I have yet to hear this Daniel Johns song so I have no comment on that. What I do want to comment on is whoever it was that went crazy sayin that Silverchair fans are stupid. I like Silverchair. I like them quite a bit actually. I wouldn't call myself a crazed fan or anything of that nature tho. I don't really follow them, I just like the CDs. I think it is unfair to encompass all Silverchair fans with a blanket statement that ALL Silverchair fans are stupid. Maybe from what you saw in posts you could get that general idea with bad grammer and illiteracy, but I was offended by that. Since I like Silverchair and you said ALL Silverchair fans are stupid my thought was 'HEY! I like Silverchair and I'm not stupid. That kinda hurt my feelings.' So I just wanted to point out that you should be careful when saying ALL and maybe just say the few that have come forward to rage at you. A few do not represent the entire mass. For the record I have 3 Silverchair CDs. Frogstomp RAWKS! Freak Show is not so good. But Neon Ballroom I thought was an amazing album for them. And why they put out a greatest hits album, I will never know. So there :p Also I think it's incredible how much attention you guys have gotten from this. It's amazing!