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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 31

all this crap about the song. by Rachel on Wed Oct 31, 2001 18:11
I felt, after reading a few previous signings of the guestbook, that I should put in my two cents worth. I admit it. I am a Silverchair fan. They are one of my favorite bands, quite possibly my favorite, depending on my mood. I happen to love their music, lyrics, whatever, etc., etc., etc.. Bleh. I listened to the song by YSIB, and you know what? I LIKED IT. I thought it was funny. I laughed. For those silverchair fans who are freaking out about this whole thing, you need to loosen up. Learn to take a joke. If I can laugh at it, being the big silverchair fan I really am (just ask some of my friends...), then so can you! Laugh people! It was funny! To the girl who kept insisting that lyrics from Frogstomp had a right to be stupid, since they were written when Daniel was 13 or 14 (if my memory serves me correctly, it was 14), you do sort of have a point. BUT, if it is acceptable for them to have such a lyrically dumb song since it was written when they were so young, then couldn't YSIB be able to have a song that was dumb (like they claim it to be) and that makes fun of someone, since they were in junior high when they wrote it? Seems to me she has a bit of a double standard going on here. But, anywho, I liked the song, and Shane, you make me laugh. Rachel