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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 32

Give it up! by Courtney on Sun Nov 4, 2001 08:34
OK...I honestly think all of the people who have come on this web site to bitch and moan about a bunch of innocent lyrics poking fun at a Silverchair really need to grow up. Like come on..I`m sure Daniel Johns isn`t in the least bit offended by this song, as a matter of fact I`m sure he probably hasn`t even heard it or even knows about it. So with all do respect to YSIB and the fans who feel the need to defend Silverchair - as if they know them personally or something....get real...I`m sure Daniel`s not gonna break down and cry and have another anorexic bout due to the move on! YSIB is probably a local garage band that has pop and chip parties in their parents basement so don`t get all uppety about it! YSIB I listend to your song...I think you should write more like it. thanx