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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 34

Wah Wah Cry Cry by Brit on Fri Nov 9, 2001 16:28
I am a massive Silverchair fan (exclude all the merchandise crap) and just happened to find the download for "Don't Wanna Be." Now, to tell you the truth, I was actually anxious to listen to it. And you know what, the song may sound dumb, but it's funny. I mean, come on, if the lyrics were actually mean, that would be different. What are the rest of you fans bitching about? You've gotta have a sense of humor. And if you don't like the song, then fucking ignore it. Man. No need to get constipated about it. And no, I am not defending this band who made the song. "Don't Wanna Be" sounds like Wierd Al Yankovic. I don't know if that is a positive comment or not. See ya.