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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 40

interestingly enough by mogan on Thu Dec 6, 2001 06:00
silverchair does not have an upper case s. the punk-rock comment was a sarcastic remark by daniel johns. daniel wrote the lyrics to pure massacre when he was 15, cut him some slack. the lyrics on neon ballroom and freakshow were mostly of a personal nature. anorexia just isnt funny (well it can be funny, but stop going on about it). and, to finish it off, i think that you (as a band) are just bitter that silverchair were famous when they were 15, and you were still slaving away in your bedroom, trying to come up with some good (at least not totally crap) music. oh, and i didnt want to waste and capitals on you or your stupid message board, hence no capitals in this post. before i came here i thought that you guys just might be funny, but in reading the various sections i have seen that you are just spiteful australians. you know that it is the australian way to cut people down. anyway, i havent listened to your songs, i might, but if you play any of that soft rock/ shit rock in a similar vein to magic dirt, or the other various australian crappy rock bands who seem to be so popular just because their australian, then i will see why you hate silverchair (at least daniel johns) so much.