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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 65

confusion by Diana on Wed Sep 25, 2002 20:41
I don't understand why all the silverchair fans found this so offensive? Personally I laughed my ass off and was highly amused. Not everyone likes silverchair, so get over it(this is for all the highly inmature fans out there...)! I'm a huge silverchair fan(so sue me..) and I can't begin to imagine why some people are so damn outraged. I'm also unsure as to how the whole anorexia thing ever got into the "debate"? I'm anorexic/bulimic, and I think i'd be able to pick up on an anorexia hit. There wasn't one. So whats the big deal over a song that pokes fun at silverchair? Personally I see this song as having a point- it's making a statement about all the fake, money hungry, crap, ect. bands out there(It is my opinion that silverchair is *not* one of them, but I could easily list many popular bands that I believe are). I'm sure I'll get flamed(by teeny silverchair fans) for standing up for the song, but honestly I don't care. If you can't handle poking a little humour at a *band*, then that says a hell of a lot about the way you live your life. It says that you rely on society to give you a persona, enabling you to erase any of your own individuality. You are not the band. So don't get so bothered by the song. No one is making fun of *you*.