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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 77

Well... I suppose having read some of what you have to say.. by Meghan - Llama on Sat Feb 1, 2003 07:12
.. has diluted the origional inane rage at the thought that Daniel Johns was being mocked. The main reason that I'm posting this now is because of your misguided belif that chair fans are stupid. This, as I am a chair fan, and damn proud of it, irked me somewhat. And what the hell was the point of that stuff about using monosylabic words back there? You didn't explain it clearly, many of the posts you put there contained words that were not monosylabic. And don't knock monosylabic words. We were all raised on monosylabic words, and don't you deny it. Anyway, I'm veering from the point. I suppose this all has to do with opinion, and so before I post my opinion I'd like to let you know that... although I disagree with your collective opinions rather violently, I'm not out for metaphorical assasination. Well, not tonight, anyway. My opinion, although it's not going to affect you at all, but I'm going to continue writing because I've started now and really WOULD look like an idiot if I were to stop with a comment like "I don't agree" and leave without getting to the point, is that I think Daniel Johns is a brilliantly tallented person, and, although I haven't (that I recall) met him, but neither have you. And the lyrics of Silverchair do have depth... you must either be looking too hard or not hard enough. That happens alot with great texts, you know. Also, lyrics with meanings that are frank and to the point often connect more with the listener. And what you said about people getting so worked up about a celebrity? Did you pause to think that perhaps this is because we admire and respect Daniel Johns, even if the only Daniel Johns we know is what the media and interviews and the rare internet chat with him or other band members have to say about the person he is? Ok. So I am fully aware that it's possible that alot of people like him because he's hot (and he is. very.) But that's not the point I'm trying to make here! Not all of us are mindless teeney boppers who thirst for blood at the slightest inkling (if they even understand the word inkling) of a negative comment towards the subject of their blind devotion! Some of us have minds! Are capable of concious (albeit limited) thought! My god, could this be true? Could people actually respect the person they defend? *gasp* Well, I know I do. I happen to think that the Daniel Johns that is revealed to we, the fans and public, *pause* also the raving masses with a collective IQ of a cold bowl of porridge, is an admirable and brave person. Right. In order to avoid repeating myself, I shall leave now, and wish you luck with your band, and steadfastly refuse to like, or agree with, *That song*. Farewell -Meghan , the Llama Queen
Also... by Meghan on Sat Feb 1, 2003 07:24
Another fact : you pick on bleached blondes. Not natural blondes. Also, if you were to come down with anorexia, would you share your feelings on how you are with the word so others with the same illness could benefit from the knowledge that they are not alone? And I think - on your part - you should do some research next time you decide to attack someone. Daniel wash bashed up by 8 23-yr-olds when he was 17 purely because he was famous. Did he give it in? No. He and his friends kept playing the music they loved. In an attempt to stop these people from attacking him, he stopped eating properly, thinking that if he looked sick maybe those people wouldn't beat him up anymore. And then he came down with anorexia and nearly died but he had the courage to share it so others could benefit and kept playing recently, Daniel suffered from severe reactive arthritis - most likely made worse due to after affects of anorexia - and he still kept writing lyrics as he couldn't sing or even pick up his guitar, and, although he wasn't 100% better, he played at the 2002 ARIAs for the other band members, the love of playing, and to finally be able to promote an album that they had worked very hard on indeed. He had many opportunities to give up. But he didn't. I think that's an admirable quality.
Re: Also... by Chris on Sat Nov 1, 2003 19:09
He stopped eating because he thought if he looked unhealthy it would make people take pity on him and not beat him up? That's the stupidest thing I've ever heard! And you're wrong. We picked on a natural blonde. That's a fact. Plus, he's famous, and famous people should always be made fun of. It's a fact!