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Don't Wanna Be (Daniel Johns)

Discussion Board

Thread 85

Thanks!! by Fafilaine on Tue Apr 8, 2003 16:15
Hi! Just posted to say that I LOVE this message board. Please, Silverchair fans, keep defending Daniel Johns! Please, YSIB, keep replying! I envy you. I would like to have written "Don't wanna be Daniel Johns". It was meant to amuse you guys for some hours and still keeps bringing so much joy to our lives(that includes mine) after so many years... My only complaint is that things are way too slow around here... I would like to have new things to read (and laugh at) every day!!
Re: Thanks!! by shane on Wed Apr 23, 2003 12:34
thanks for the kind words. it has been a great source of entertainment for us. i only wish we could reply to the 100+ guestbook signings we got every day for a week way back in the good old days. nowadays, the stupidity is just as evident but not as frequent.